Before I started with Steve in the mornings, I had a cleaning business. The stories I could tell you would startle you, make you gasp, and leave you begging for more. All in all, the one thing I learned during my experience is that people aren't that clean. Many of them did ask me to help them get rid of stuff and organize, which I gladly did. Cleaning and organizing, are two things I do enjoy doing...don't ask me why.

When I approached my clients with intentions of helping them organize I always had my reasons to persuade them to do so, and I thought today I would share a couple with you!

Just because your a clutter bug, doesn't mean your kids need to be. If you set a good example for your children, they won't be as messy.

Let's face it, we all have stuff we don't use, or need. Why not donate those item's and make more space, for you.

Not everything has to be displayed. Bring out the things that make you smile, and perhaps rotate things once and awhile.

There's so much more I could tell you. Here's some other reasons why you need to de-clutter. I know it's summer but it's never to late to spring clean!

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