Rockford Applebee’s and IHOPs Could Be Closing and We’re Totally Bummed
For the last few months Applebee's in Rockford has been trying really hard to make and keep us really happy; their DOLLARAMA specials have been a huge hit. (speaking from personal experience)
First it was $1 margaritas, then Long Islands; followed by beach-y Bahama Mamas, which, by the way, are only available for a buck until March 1st.
I'm patiently waiting to see what they might be offering next month, with a strong emphasis on the "might." That's because there might not be another DOLLARAMA special if the restaurant closes.
According to USA Today 80 Applebee's locations and 40 IHOP locations will be closing this year. There's no word on which locations will be closing but there are a few factors being taken into consideration to determine if they'll remain open.
Those factors include operational results, branding and image standards.
Knowing that, do you think Rockford's Applebee's and IHOP are safe?
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