Rockford Bar Shares Photo of Counterfeit Dollar Bills Going Around
It took a bit before I could identify these dollar bills as fake. In a busy bar setting, I could see how easy it would be to miss these. Here's your warning.
The Detour Bar & Grill on Riverside Boulevard shared a photo of a counterfeit dollar bill that likely isn't the only one being passed around town.
How To Spot Counterfeit Money
It's hard to imagine just how much fake money is passed on a daily basis. While this isn't the best fake I've ever seen, it's easy to see how easily this dollar could squeak by on a busy night in a dimly-lit bar.
The only time I've ever seen bills checked are when they're a high denomination, like a $50 or $100, a single dollar bill is probably one that isn't checked all that often. The crew at The Detour wants to help make sure that doesn't happen.
"To all bar and restaurant owners, seems like these are flying around right now. Just a heads up to you all."
Much like real life, it's not what's right in the middle that you should be getting all of your attention. Often, it is what is on the fringe that makes all the difference.
Once you see that 'motion picture use' line at the top of that one dollar bill, it really makes the center of the bill look more authentic. That's where my eyes went first and I completely missed that top line.
If you keep staring at it, you'll start to see more things that show it's a fake, but again, those are things you could very easily miss when taking a few of them from a customer.
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Steve Shannon is host of The Steve Shannon Show on 97ZOK. On the air weekday mornings from 6 to 10 a.m. and a special 'Rewind' show, featuring favorite moments from previous shows, on Saturday mornings from 5 to 7 a.m.. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and like his page on Facebook.
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