Rockford Park District Guide to All Things Summer Sports is Here
The Rockford Park District knows exactly how ready kids are to get out and play. This summer sports guide is filled with many great opportunities for just that.
The just-released Summer Sports Guide from the Rockford Park District (RPD) is a great sign that the season ahead will really begin to feel like normal, pre-pandemic life. While it will have those feelings, the reality is that there are still important guidelines that will still be adhered to.
The RPD has worked with and followed guidelines from the CDC, IDPH, Restore Illinois, and local health officials to develop procedures and protocols to ensure a fun and safe recreational experience. Complete information on those procedures and protocols are posted at rockfordparkdistrict.org/playitsafe.
Here's what's inside RPD's 36-page Summer Sports Guide
The summer of 2021 is filled with lessons, camps, and/or clinics for:
Track & Field
Horseback riding
Ice Skating
Volleyball, softball and women's soccer leagues
NFL flag football
NFL cheer and dance
There are some new sports experiences being offered this summer, including archery clinics and the Golf Performance Academy at Aldeen Golf Club Practice Centre.
Most of the sports opportunities in the guide are available for youth but there are some offerings for adults.
Registration for everything in the RPD Summer Sports Guide is NOW OPEN.
Get out and play. But first, go here, to see the full guide.
LOOK: 50 images of winning moments from sports history
Steve Shannon is host of The Steve Shannon Show on 97ZOK. On the air weekday mornings from 6 to 10 a.m. and a special 'Rewind' show, featuring favorite moments from previous shows, on Saturday mornings from 5 to 7 a.m.. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and like his page on Facebook.