Rockford Region Restaurant Week is Coming This January
We've been looking forward to 2021 basically since March but now we have something specific to look forward to, Rockford Region Restaurant Week!
What a fun announcement for the Rockford Area Convention and Visitors Bureau to announce this morning.
We all love food and we love supporting local businesses so this really is a great event that's launching next month here in the Stateline.
You're thinking, Michelle, aren't restaurants closed?
Well, they're one step ahead of you, it's a 'to-go' event.
The Rockford Area Convention & Visitors Bureau (RACVB) asks the local community to Save-the-Date for the upcoming To-Go themed Rockford Region Restaurant Week promotions. This is a special promotion where local area food/beverage establishments offer their most creative to-go meal packages for patrons. Additional details for this promotion will be announced on Thursday, January 7, 2021.Participating businesses are compliant with the state of Illinois and Winnebago County Health Departments’ mitigation efforts and will be encouraged to take RACVB’s Clean Hands, Open Doors Pledge.A special thank you to the City of Rockford for their sponsorship and commitment to this region-wide promotion.
You can find more info on their website, and it looks like we'll be getting even MORE info after the new year.
Cheers to 2021!
Catch Midday Michelle on 97 ZOK from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
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