Rockford Schools May Not Open in the Fall, Here’s Why
I know I can't see you while you're reading this, but raise your hand if you're more than ready for your child to go back to school.
It's not that you don't love all the extra time that you get to spend with them during the summer months, but after so many trips to the water park, shopping malls, movie theaters, the beach and don't get me started on the extra money you're spending on groceries and gas; it's time to start the countdown to the first day of school.
Unfortunately, there might be a slight delay in Illinois public schools even having a first day. Even though the state finally has a budget, NBC Chicago says that public schools across the state might not be able to open on time this fall.
Rockford Public Schools are especially at risk. Not only are Illinois' public schools severely underfunded, the Education Law Center found that the state has a regressive system, meaning "it provides less aid to districts that have a higher concentration of low-income students."
They added that Illinois came in dead last when it came to funding high poverty school districts. And that's what it all comes down to, funding and how the funds for schools are dispersed; if they even get dispersed at all. The state already owes Rockford schools $12.5 million dollars and that figure is on the rise.
NBC Chicago concluded with,
No matter what, something must be done to move Illinois to an evidence-based model of funding, otherwise no state aid will be disbursed at all – rendering many schools unable to open in the fall. Even if they can begin classes, many schools would likely be forced to close early without any state funding.
Catch Mandy James on “The Steve Shannon Show with Mandy James” on 97 ZOK from 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
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