Sand Park Pool Expected to Reopen in 2020
After being closed for the last two summers, the Rockford Park District announced that Sand Park Pool will reopen.
The pool was closed due to financial problems, which will now be remedied by moving tax dollars that helped operate Mercyhealth Sportscore Two.
The Rockford Area Convention and Visitors Bureau agreed to redirect $80,000 of the city's hotel-motel tax to support the Park District's sports facilities, including Sand Park Pool.
Much has been done to the parking lot and land around Sand Park pool. It appears as if the plan had always been to re-open the pool, I'm glad to see that the Park District's cash flow will get the boost it needs to let families enjoy Sand Park Pool next summer.
Unfortunately, the park district's deficit is still making it difficult to keep Alpine Pool and the Snow Park at Alpine Hills operating.
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