SAVE THE DATE: This Is When Chicago Dyes River Green For St. Patrick’s Day
Every year Chicago hosts their annual "dye the river green" event in the heart of downtown Chicago. Find out when it's happening this year!
The river is traditionally dyed on the morning of Chicago's St. Patrick's Day parade, which takes place the Sunday before St. Patrick's Day. In the first few years of the greening tradition, 100 pounds of oil-based fluorescein were poured into the river, leaving it green for close to a week. - Irish Central
It's been on my bucket list for YEARS to see the Chicago river get dyed green, but jobs have always gotten in the way. Anybody else have this dilemma?

Well, start planning now because you only have a few days to switch around your schedule and make it into Chicago for one of the biggest events in the city! On Saturday, March 12th, 2022 at 9:00am, Chicago begins dyeing the river green.
There are many other events happening in the Chicago area happening after the river dyeing, you might want to take part in these fun St. Patrick's Day celebrations!
The Chicago St. Patrick’s Day parade - Saturday, March 12, 2022
The parade begins at 12:00pm and starts on Columbus Drive between Balbo Drive and Monroe Drive. This parade is one of the largest St. Patrick’s Day parades in the country, wow!
St. Patrick's Day Green River Booze Cruise
Saturday, March 12, 2022. 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. You'll party down the river walk and into the lake. Tickets unclude: Green Beads, St. Patricks day Sunglasses, entry on the boat, Videographers, and Photographers.
Don't forget to wear green! Join all the festivities this weekend and celebrate with the best people in Chicago. Have fun, stay safe, and drink responsibly!
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