Watch and be amazed by how quickly someone can slip something into your drink.

Please pay attention to this. Nine years ago someone slipped what people call a "roofie" into my drink at a crowded bar; as far as I know that's when it happened, and that's the thing with date rape drugs. If you're not paying attention, you never do know when it happened or who was responsible.

It's an extremely scary experience. Many people ask, "how do you know you were roofied?" The best way I can explain my experience is that I went from sober to extremely drunk after only having one drink. The rest is pretty fuzzy except I remember blacking out, waking up and having no idea where I was and I was a level of hungover that nearly put me in the hospital.  It felt like I was at death's door. Friends told me I was happy and dancing one minute and the next I was completely incapacitated.

I would never wish that experience on anyone. Thankfully, I was in the company of friends who would never let me leave with anyone; which possibly ended up saving my life.

Don't let it happen to you, or a friend, or your daughter. Take a moment to watch the video below and you'll see how easy it could.

Pay attention and be safe.

And be sure to watch another video from Joey that shows how easy it is for a complete stranger to kidnap your child, click the button below.

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