For many kids in the area, school is about to begin. The question always comes up too, "do uniforms make schools better?"

I can see it from both sides. I spent most of my childhood in private school where having a school uniform was necessary. It saved my parents from having to shell out large amounts of cash on back to school clothing and myself from attempting to dress like I knew what was cool.

High school was a different story for me. I went to a public high school and there wasn't a dress code, so kids wore whatever they wanted. It was a new thing for me and I wasn't prepared for it. By the time I hit my senior year I was buying my own stuff and it wasn't an issue.

Great Schools asked the same question. Do uniforms make schools better?


Encourage discipline
Help students resist peer pressure to buy trendy clothes
Help identify intruders in the school
Increase a sense of belonging and school pride


Violate a student's right to freedom of expression
Make students a target for bullies from other schools
Are a financial burden for poor families
Are an unfair additional expense for parents who pay taxes for a free public education

What do you think? Should students be forced to wear a uniform when they attend school?

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