When it comes to going into to work when you're not feeling well, I tell you what- I would rather go to work with the flu than with PMS or my period. Between being hunched over at my desk in pain and my volatile mood swings, I'm not fun to have around. No woman really is during that time of month.

That's why Bex Baxter, director of Coexist in Bristol, England, implemented a "period policy" that allows her female employees to take time off for menstrual cramps. Surely, other symptoms will fall under the policy, which is still in the rough draft process.

This concept isn't new, by the way. Nike was one of the first companies to have a menstrual leave policy and other countries like Japan also have similar policies.

Is this something that you would like to see at your place of business? I mean, it would totally be worth it, whether the leave was paid or not, for other companies to follow suit. Think about how much happier you'll be and your co-workers too. Nothing brings down company morale like a hormonal, cranky pants.


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