It's always fun to learn a little movie trivia. A whole bunch of our favorite movies were originally titled some pretty weird things, 'Coma Guy,' Really? 'Coma Guy' was the original title of one of my favorite Sandra Bullock movies, 'While You Were Sleeping.' Here's a list of seven other famous movies and their strange original titles.

  • 'Pretty Woman' was originally titled '3,000' since that's how much money Richard Gere's paid Julia Roberts' character. Then they probably thought, well he also bought her a bunch of clothes and jewelry, so let's just pick our favorite Roy Orbison song and go with that.
  • 'Goodfellas' was all ready to go as 'Wiseguy,' and then a TV series stole the name.
  • 'Field of Dreams' was supposed to be 'Shoeless Joe.' I think most of us would have been ok with that one.
  • 'Tomorrow Never Dies' was originally 'Tomorrow Never Lies.' I see that these are different, but not really...
  • 'Scream' was titled 'Scary Movie' how funny is that?
  • 'Saturday Night Fever' started as 'The Tribal Rites of the Saturday Night.' I feel like if John Travolta was still the star, it would've been fine, however that awkward original title might've been his first brush with odd name construction. 

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