No pregnancy announcements this week however oranges did make a triumphant return.

Announcing your pregnant on The Five Questions is soooo last week, so I thought it would be time to get a new guest on the show.

This week, my guest was Kevin Haas from the Rockford Register Star.

Don't forget, you can send in your questions for a future guest. Here are this week's five questions:

  1. If you could have celebrity parents who'd you pick?
  2. If you could throw any type of parade through the halls at the Rockford Register Star what would it be?
  3. What do you think about when you're alone in the car?
  4. Do you believe in Bigfoot?
  5. If you could remove one of state from the U.S. what would it be?

What would your answers be? Check out Kevin's answers!

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