Rockford Girl's Snapchat PartyRockford Girl's Snapchat PartyAny excuse to throw a party is a good one right?MichelleMichelle
How to Disable Snap MapHow to Disable Snap MapSnapChat's latest update has a new feature called SnapMap. This feature show yours and your friends exact location with surprising precision.Steve ShannonSteve Shannon
Scary New Snapchat UpdateScary New Snapchat UpdateLocal police departments have a warning for parents in regards to the newest update to Snapchat, that could put your kids in danger. Mandy JamesMandy James
This Dog Riding Shotgun in a Convertible Has More Chill Than YouThis Dog Riding Shotgun in a Convertible Has More Chill Than YouIt's that awkward, yet hilarious moment, when you look over and you see a dog chilling in the passenger seat of a convertible on 251 and 173. Check it out. Mandy JamesMandy James
With ‘Stories,’ Instagram Is Basically Snapchat Now TooWith ‘Stories,’ Instagram Is Basically Snapchat Now TooThe photo sharing app just added a new feature called 'Stories,' which effectively accomplishes the exact same thing as Snapchat.Bradley SternBradley Stern
UW Madison Snapchat Couple Goes on First Date in Chicago [VIDEO]UW Madison Snapchat Couple Goes on First Date in Chicago [VIDEO]When you "fall in love" on Snapchat, you have to snap your first date, right?MichelleMichelle
Is Bozo Coming Back? [VIDEO]Is Bozo Coming Back? [VIDEO]For the first time in 20 years, WGN will be affiliate free, does this mean the return of The Bozo Show?MichelleMichelle
Snapchat Puppy Fail [VIDEO]Snapchat Puppy Fail [VIDEO]I dare you to watch this 10 second video without laughing.MichelleMichelle
Selfie Stick Sixty [VIDEO]Selfie Stick Sixty [VIDEO]Starbucks is bringing summer back with a brand new frappuccino and a sweet deal on frapps.MichelleMichelle
UW Madison Snapchat Love UW Madison Snapchat Love Who knew you could find love on Snapchat?MichelleMichelle