
New Study Gives Rockford Poor Marks For Education
New Study Gives Rockford Poor Marks For Education
New Study Gives Rockford Poor Marks For Education
Looking at the results of a recently-published study on the most and least educated cities in the United States reminded me of a couple of quotes. One, from John Belushi in Animal House: "7 years of college down the drain," and the other from my dad: "Did 9 years of high school teach you nothing?"
Apparently Doing This in Public is Just as Contagious as Yawning
Apparently Doing This in Public is Just as Contagious as Yawning
Apparently Doing This in Public is Just as Contagious as Yawning
I think one of life's funniest phenomenons is the fact that yawns are undeniably contagious. I have NO idea why. But, that's what the internet is for! I'll never forget when I was in elementary school and we all got to the age where we realized just how contagious they are...
How Snobby is Illinois Compared to The Rest of America?
How Snobby is Illinois Compared to The Rest of America?
How Snobby is Illinois Compared to The Rest of America?
I feel like getting called snobby is a very high class insult. It's kind of like a backhanded compliment, like sure you might be kind of classy, but you're annoying about it. That's what I think of when I think "snobby". A new study ranked each state based on how snobby they are...

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