Our 'Holiday Wish' came true because of YOU. Hundreds of soldiers around the world will feel thanks, gratitude, love and less loneliness while being away from their families.

We asked for you and your families to write letters to the men and women of U.S. Military who won't be able to be at home with their own families at Christmas time. Your response has been amazing, and we can't thank you enough. Here's just one of several boxes filled with some of the sweetest, kindest letters I've ever read.


Steve Shannon, Townsquare Media
Steve Shannon, Townsquare Media

For me, the most touching moment of the morning was when 1st Grader Ben AKA 'Batman', dropped off his eight letters for soldiers and then told me what he asked Santa for this year.

Steve Shannon, Townsquare Media
Steve Shannon, Townsquare Media

'Batman' told Santa, "this year for Christmas I want to help people." I couldn't wait to take my picture with him after that. And I told him how proud we all are of him. Read one of 'Batman' Ben's letters.


My enormous thanks to all of you who stopped by the Postal Shoppe at Edgebrook to say hello and drop off your cards and letters. Wishing you the BEST Christmas ever!

Steve Shannon, Townsquare Media
Steve Shannon, Townsquare Media

Thank you Larry Hinkle, U.S. Army veteran and owner of the Postal Shoppe (L) and U.S. Army and Marines veteran Dave Kennedy (R).

And my thanks and prayers to the Coffey's, who came by and shared their story of their daughter Blair, with the U.S. Air Force in Afghanistan, who's already missed her one-year-old son's first birthday and won't be with him on Christmas this year.

Steve Shannon, Townsquare Media
Steve Shannon, Townsquare Media

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