The 12 Pains of Christmas for Every Illinoisan, 2021 Edition
It's no secret that MANY Illinoisans are frustrated with life in 2021, and that is making this holiday season a tad less jolly, which totally bums me out.
Tension and stress levels are always usually higher during the holiday season since there is so much to do and so many places to be, but the COVID-19/vaccine/facemask debates and differences are bringing those levels even higher. When going into stores doing my holiday shopping this year, I've noticed several disturbing things...
- Shoppers are way crabbier.
- Store employees look really tired and crabby.
- Many of the things I want/need to buy are sold out.
I may not be able to fix all the things wrong in the world right now, but I do think sometimes actually voicing your frustrations helps ease the stress a bit. So, without further adieu, here is what I think are the 12 Pains of Christmas for all Illinoisans right now. Perhaps seeing these could be a helpful reminder to keep our attitudes in check?
The 12 Pains of Christmas For Illinoisans, 2021 Edition:
1. Paying at LEAST $7 in tolls when visiting family and friends.
2. Having the wind/sleet/snow constantly destroying your outdoor holiday decorations.
3. All the taxes you pay when buying gifts.
4. Racing the snow to get the last of your leaves raked up. (It never fails, my husband is always mulching up the last of the leaves minutes before the snow starts to really fall).
5. Crappy/Inconsiderate drivers in store parking lots.
6. Empty store shelves.
7. Forgetting your facemask and then having to walk one mile back to where your car is parked to grab it...or just facemasks in general.
8. Waiting FOREVER at traffic lights.
9. Highly irritable shoppers/"Karens"
10. Not knowing if gathering with family and friends again this Christmas will end up getting frowned upon.
11. Inflated prices on EVERYTHING you buy.
12. Gas prices suck again.
Have you got a frustration to add to this list and get off your chest? Send us a message now on the Q98.5 app. It will make you feel better, I swear.