You're probably thinking that venomous snakes, bees or possibly even poisonous spiders top this list. You're wrong. You won't believe what will most likely kill you

We'll start at the bottom of the list and don't scroll ahead.

The 7 Animals Most Likely To Kill You This Summer

#7. Venomous snakes and lizards

Responsible for 6 deaths per year.

#6. Spiders

Responsible for 7 deaths per year

#5. Non-venomous arthropods (mosquitos that carry diseases)

Responsible for 9 deaths in the U.S. per year

#4. Cows (obviously your chances of being killed by a cow are low if you're never around them)

They kill 20 people a year, mostly ranchers. Other farm animals like pigs and horses kill about 50 people a year, for similar reasons.

#3. Dogs

Responsible for 28 deaths per year

#2. Bees, wasps, and hornets

Responsible for 58 deaths per year in the U.S. (on average)

And the animal most likely to kill you this summer, kills 200 per year. And it happens when you hit them with your car.

The 7 Animals Most Likely to Kill You This Summer
Tom Tietz, Thinkstock

#1. Deer

This data was compiled from two sources; the Washington Post and Insurance Journal.

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