I've seen it on Twitter and Facebook. I've heard it from friends and family. When people think of Illinois I tend to hear the word "corrupt" to describe the state.

As an almost lifelong resident, I have never seen it up close but when you realize that 4 of our last 7 governors are currently (or already were) in jail, I guess "corrupt" works.

So where does Illinois rank on the corrupt scale?

According to Reboot Illinois, we landed in fourth place. Research done by Indiana University and the University of Hong Kong:

Using data from more than 25,000 convictions of elected officials for violations of federal corruption laws between the years of 1976 to 2008, combined with an analysis of state spending, the researchers came up with a corruption scale that ranks states for corruption."

Here's the top 10

1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. Tennessee
4. Illinois
5. Pennsylvania
6. Alabama
7. Alaska
8. South Dakota
9. Kentucky
10. Florida

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