If you're reading this right now, there's a good chance that it's from your desk at work. There you sit, for 8 hours a day, trying to make yourself look busy between client calls and your two 15 minute breaks. You tell yourself that it's just a job, this isn't who you are, anything that helps you get through the day; heck, anything that will get you to retirement age.  If you're lucky enough to get to retire.

Have you ever said to yourself, "I'm going to be working til the day I die?" If you did, then let this story about Anita Dhake inspire you; if it ends up depressing you, then share it with your children with the intention of letting them know that they can do anything, all the things you wanted to do for yourself but never did, if they put their mind to it.

According to the Rockford Register Star, Dhake, who graduated from Auburn High School in 2000, is retired...and she's only 33. What were you doing with your life at 33?

Like a lot of high school graduates, Dhake went off to college and entered the workforce but she wasn't happy.  That's when she decided to put her "diligent savings mentality" to work and managed to save enough money to live comfortably and travel. She goes into more detail with the Register Star on her strategy, which if you're fiscally responsible, is something anyone can do.

Even if you're like me, in your mid 30's with absolutely no savings or retirement plan, this could be the wake up call we both need and a reminder that it's never too late to set yourself, or your children, up for success in the future.


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