Vote For Beloit in The Running For World’s ‘Strongest Town’ of 2020
This is so exciting. A stateline city has the awesome opportunity to be named ‘The Strongest Town of 2020'.
The annual strong town contest is happening for the fifth year and Beloit is nominated. So what exactly do they mean by a strong town? WTVO details -
The competition highlights communities that have shown resilience through financial burden. Each round, one city goes up against a competitor and whichever gets the most votes will get to move on. In the first round, Beloit faces off against Wyhteville, Viginia.
The winner will be announced on April 3, and people from the winning community will be invited to accept the award at the first-ever National Strong Towns Conference and Celebration on April 30-May 1.
So vote for Beloit! You can vote here.
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