Time to celebrate summer and the biggest hits of 2019!

We're ready to countdown the greatest songs of the year but before we get there, we need your votes.

What's your favorite song of the year? Is it from Ariana Grande? Post Malone? Maybe Billie Eilish?

Either way, vote now and vote later. Vote for your favorite song or artist as much as possible between now and Thursday, June 27.

Don't forget to tune in for the fireworks on the 4th of July to hear the biggest songs of the year...so far.

The Firecracker Countdown airs all day July 4th on 97ZOK.

Sweet Lenny is the brand manager of 97ZOK, Q98.5, and Operations Manager for Townsquare Media Rockford. Catch him afternoons 3 to 7 on 97ZOK. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram and like his page on Facebook.

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