Will It Soon Be Legal To Do This in Your Car in Illinois?
If you're not breaking this law in Illinois, it's probably by accident. Most people who break it don't know, the others couldn't possibly care less.
The Illinois Law You Probably Didn't Know About
This may be the first time heard about this law, but you don't want to get ticketed during this law's last stand.
This law was probably created many years ago, as WhenInYourState.com suggests, but it's still in the books and active today. but maybe not for too much longer.
Soon, you won't have to find a different way to catch your dreams.
Fuzzy dice will soon be cool all over again. Maybe?
It's Illegal in Illinois, To Have Any Obstructions Hanging from Your Rearview Mirror.
From IllinoisLawyerFinder.com:
A police officer can, by law, make a traffic stop if he or she has a reasonable suspicion that an object suspended from or placed under the rearview mirror obstructs the driver’s view. Further, an object that constitutes a “material obstruction” can indeed be considered a violation of the vehicle code and, in some cases, a violation of the criminal code. What constitutes an “obstruction” is not always clear but depends on the testimony and evidence presented at a court hearing.
Pending Illinois House Bill Could Legalize Stuff Hanging from Rearview Mirror
There is still an unwritten rule that prohibits hanging these from your rearview mirror because it makes you look bad, very bad.
I know I just mentioned a few silly things that are typically hung from rearview mirrors, but this law includes things like air fresheners, rosaries, and disability placards. Three good reasons why this law needs to go.