A City in Wisconsin Has the Most Expensive Pizza in America
As surprising as it sounds, one city in Wisconsin sells the most expensive pizza in America.
Naturally, when you hear about cities and how expensive things are in them, you think of major metropolitan areas like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago.
Imagine how shocked I was when reading 24/7 Tempo's American Cities With the Most Expensive Pizza list.
Cities located on America's East Coast as well as one in Texas are in the top 10 most expensive in the country.
Two cities in Illinois made the list, but neither of them was Chicago. Pizza in Naperville and Joliet are considered the most expensive pizza cities in Illinois.
Ranked 44th overall, a plain cheese pizza in Naperville will run you $10.10. While in Joliet, ranked 17th in America, it'll cost you a dollar more for the same thing, $11.10.
However, in Eau Claire, Wisconsin pizza is a bit more expensive. Like, $4 more expensive for a plain cheese pizza.
Called the most expensive pizza city in America, a plain cheese pizza will run you just over $15 bucks.
In order to find the culprit selling the most expensive pizza in Eau Claire, I looked up the three most highly rated places in the city using Yelp.
Both Geno's and Pizza Del Re offer plain cheese pizza at just under $9, it doesn't exist on the Northern Tap House menu.
When you consider a Mac and Cheese Pizza on the Northern Tap House menu goes for just under $11 it's a safe bet a plain cheese is probably a bit cheaper, as long as it's an option.
So where does the $15 come from? If you're an Eau Claire pizza eater maybe you can tell us? Which pizza joint in that city makes the most expensive in town?
Don't want pizza? Check out the most popular chain restaurants in America.
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