Beef A Roo Is Hiring and Offering New Custom Schedules
So many people have lost their jobs in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic, and one of the biggest hurdles to overcome in their new job search involves scheduling.
Many adults are managing their children's remote-learning education which really limits their hours of availability when it comes to finding employment. Many high-schoolers are engaged in remote-learning which makes finding time for a part-time job difficult.
Well, thankfully Beef A Roo knows you need a job, and they also know flexible scheduling is key to any job hunt right now. This is exactly why they are now offering "custom schedules" to all Beef A Roo employees.
According to Beef A Roo's website, all stores are now hiring for full-time and part-time positions, offering flexible schedules, competitive wages, and a "broad package of employee benefits.The site also says;
We understand the challenges of this new home-learning environment. That's why Beef A Roo wants to offer you a flexible work schedule that works within your schedule.
We'll work with you, so come work with us.
Beef A Roo asks any interested candidates to apply in-person at any location, (be sure to wear your mask), but you can print out an application to fill out in advance, here.
One more Beef A Roo note for you that has nothing to do work actually working there...I just discovered the "Specials" section on their website that you should probably pay attention to if you like to score some deals on your deliciousness. FYI...Pumpkin Square are only a $1.99 all this week!
Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 6:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook