Give these parents a 'C' for creativity.

Sometimes you just have to ask yourself, "what were they thinking?" When my son Tanner was born, I straight up picked his name out of a baby name book and it was a pretty quick decision. I was told that he was supposed to be a girl so I had a girl's name picked out; but 21 hours of labor later - boom, it's a boy. My mom brought in a baby name book; she picked a name she liked, I picked a name I liked and I put them together to get my son's first and middle name.  But that was 18 years ago; that's how most of us picked our child's name if we weren't naming him or her after someone we know.

Well, times, they are a changin' and so are the baby names. There were 1,393 new baby names coined by parents last year and at least five of them were given for the very first time to American babies, earning a spot on the Social Security's extended name popularity list. Who even knew that was a thing?

The Today Show put together a list of the top 12 craziest new names given to babies last year and it will have you laughing, rolling your eyes or maybe it's just the inspiration you've been looking for when choosing the name for your little bundle of  joy.

They are:

1. Billion - Rich was already taken.

2. Common - yep, just like the rapper.

3. Dagger - Too many Jaggers, let's spice it up a bit.

4. Lay - like the potato chip?

5. Londynne - If you're going to name your baby after a place, the rule is you can't spell it like the actual place.

6. Mickinley - A unique name made even more unique by the change in spelling.

7. Payzley - Like the pattern on your bed sheets but cuter.

8. Royaltee - Because you're so envious of the Royal babies.

9. Ruckus - Chances are your little one will cause quite the ruckus.

10. Sadman - This name makes me sad, man.

11. Swastik - For when you feel like paying homage to your German heritage.

12. Wimberley - What happened to just Kimberly? Maybe their parents were tennis fans?

What do you think of the names? Have they left you feeling inspired or just ill?



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