It's a bold strategy Cotton. Let's see if it pays off. 

2016 seems like it was a decade ago for Cub fans. The "championship window" has been slammed shut and it looks like the organization's wallets have as well.

Theo Epstein announcing that he was leaving the organization a year before his contract was up started the offseason of bad news for Cub fans.

The first blow of the offseason came when it was announced that the Cubs were not going to resign outfielder, and fan favorite, Kyle Schwarber. He eventually signed with the Nationals.

Then they traded, fan favorite, Yu Darvish, to the Padres for pitcher Zach Davies and 3 young players that won't see a major league field for at least 2 years.

Yesterday it was announced that, fan favorite (noticing a trend here?), Jon Lester signed a 1-year deal with the Nationals and reports say that he wanted to resign with the Cubs, but the Cubs weren't willing to pay for his services.

Today, there are major rumors that fan favorite Willson Contreras is very likely to be traded to the Nationals.

I'm not saying any of these moves were poor from a baseball perspective, but Cub fans have had about enough.

There hasn't been a ton of good news on or off the field for the Cubs since 2016. Sure they made the playoffs in 3 of those 4 years, but the vibe was different.

The front office seemed to be paralyzed by the ownership not wanting to spend any more money, while at the same time they had the bumpy rollout of their own television network, Marquee.

Remember the Marquee rollout? It was a mess and alienated fans. The Cubs were playing hardball (no pun intended) with cable providers and fans either were going to be blacked out of watching Cub games or it seemed that their cable bill was going to go up.

Now there seems to be a fire sale on Addison and the returns don't seem to be matching what's going out the door.

It's a long offseason and baseball is weird. The Cubs might bounce back in a year or two and be contenders again but that seems unlikely at this point.

I don't agree with Gordon Whitmeyer on everything but he nailed the headline here:

This team feels like the one I rooted for in the mid 90s, not the one that won a World Series 4 years ago. We'll wait and see if the front office notices or even at this point cares.

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