When I was a kid, I didn't get to spend a lot of time with my dad. I was a child of divorce and most of my time, when she had it, was spent with my mom. I'd get weekends with my dad here and there but it wasn't too often. The time I did get with my dad was spent bowling, at Grandma's house or we'd just take a stroll through the small Minnesota town that he lived in. That was before smartphones and laptops so the hours and minutes we did spend together were very valuable; unlike today.

Most of our time, as parents, is so consumed by constantly needing to be connected to our jobs, catching up on emails or planning out our busy upcoming schedules. I know I'm guilty of it; and now that my son is going to be going away to college in about 8 months, I need to do a better job of just focusing on him when we're together.

Much like David Rosenman, who like a lot of us, spends a lot of his time on his phone or laptop; even when he's with his 9-year-old daughter. That was until he took her out to a coffee shop and she only had one request; one that he described in a touching Facebook post that included a note that he got from an anonymous person in the coffee shop who saw him spending quality time with his little girl.

What a great message to share. The bond between a father and daughter is something that young girls will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Hopefully all parents, not just dads, will take away from this the importance of spending quality time with our kids and how it will put them on a path for success in all aspects of life.


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