When you hear of birthday cake photos going viral, you typically hear about the lengthy rants about Elsa from Frozen looking like a train wreck or that a bow on a teddy bear looked like lady parts; moms are demanding that they get their money back and claim that their children need therapy because their "horrendous" cake ruined their birthday party. What these parents seem to forget is the most important parts of these birthday cakes: a. They kids barely even notice. b. it's still pretty darn delicious no matter how bad it looks. Didn't we teach our kids that it's what's on the inside that counts?

There's an important lesson that can be learned from a similar story about another birthday cake that's going viral, but this time, it's for all the right reasons. Lisa Aldrich explained in a Facebook post that she visited Meijer and asked a person she assumed was a baker to write a message on a birthday cake. The end result looked awful and other employees offered to make her a new one, but Alrich insisted on sticking with the one she had.  She later found out from one of the cashiers that the person who wrote the message on the cake had autism and it probably made her day.

People were so touched by Aldrich's photo that they're now hoping to get their cakes done by the same employee at Meijer. That's pretty awesome and also a great reminder that it's important to be kind to others; you never know who they are or what they're going through.

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