Five things you need to know for Monday- The First Lady is on Ellen today to talk about #GimmeFive, RPS 205 is dealing with a financial shortfall and why your kids should eat processed cheese.

First Lady Michelle Obama is on Ellen today to talk about the "Let's Move" healthy child program...and dancing. (USA Today)

RPS 205 is facing a projected $8.8 million shortfall for the current fiscal year, and will have to make budget adjustments to compensate. (My Stateline)

Kraft Singles is the first product to gain the right to use the "Kids Eat Right" seal from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. (ABC News)

Taylor Swift joked about the rumor that she insured her legs for $40 million, after her cat put a huge scratch on one of them.  She Tweeted a picture of the scratch.

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