Influenster set out to find the most popular Halloween candy in each state, and I bet you'll agree with the Illinois fave.

Ironically, I don't. But hey, if you know me, you know I'm really good at going against the norm.

The most popular Halloween candy in Illinois is.... drum roll please... Snickers!

See I told you, you'd love it! My brother Tommy loves Snickers, I hate them. This goes way back to my littlest little girl years when any time I got a Snickers in my Halloween trick-or-treating pillowcase, I'd bring it home for Tommy. The best years, he would trade me for a Kit Kat, but either way I'd give him the Snickers, because gross.

So maybe I should move to Montana, where the most popular candy is, in fact, a Kit Kat bar.

Now, here's something interesting, the most popular Halloween candy in Wisconsin is Laffy Taffy. What's wrong with you guys up there? Sugary candy is fine for parades, but Halloween was made for chocolate. You should re-think that.

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