Don’t Buy New Illinois Hunting & Fishing Licenses Before 3/1
Wait until after March 1st to purchase a new hunting or fishing license in Illinois.
I have never been a big outdoors type person. I think it is because I did not grow up around it. I never have been hunting. My parents would not go camping. The only fishing I ever did was at the little pond in my neighborhood growing up.
A few years ago, I took a day trip to go fishing with some friends. I had no idea that I needed a fishing license to participate in the activity. You learn something new everyday I guess.
I know a lot of people in the Rockford area are really into outdoor sports. There are some that center their vacations around it. They are very popular hobbies, especially in our community. I think because we have locations nearby to enjoy them.
If you are a fan, then here is some important information you might want to know.
According to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources,
"2021 Illinois Fishing, Hunting and Sportsman Combination licenses will go on sale beginning March 1, 2021, and those licenses will be valid through March 31, 2022. Illinois 2020 licenses are valid through March 31, 2021. Licenses purchased prior to March 1, 2021, are 2020 licenses that will be valid only through March 31, 2021."
For Illinois Department of Natural Resources Facebook page...
For more information, HERE.
If you're going to purchase a license, I am sure you are getting excited. Please make sure to wait because I would hate for you to get a renewal and because you got antsy and got it too early, then it really is not for 2021.
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