Durand Schools Flip the Bird to State Mask Mandate, NOT Required
It was only a matter of time before an Illinois school says "no" to Gov. Pritzker's mask mandate, who knew it would be so close by!
Durand Schools issued a statement and "saluted" the Governor by saying masks for upcoming school year will be OPTIONAL. Nice work, Durand.
Here is the full message posted from the Durand Schools Facebook Page:
Durand Schools will continue to allow for optional masks and parental choice for the upcoming school year. Therefore, students who have been vaccinated are not required to wear a mask or facial covering. We are recommending that all students who are not vaccinated wear a fast mask, but it will not be a school requirement. Staff masking will also be optional. There will be two exceptions to this rule. Facial coverings will still be required during school bus/van transportation and at all indoor sporting events. Students and staff quarantining will still be a necessary mitigation as outlined by the Winnebago County Health Department. If your child arrives at school wearing a mask, our staff will do the best that we can to encourage safe and appropriate mask wearing while they are in the school building. This guidance could change at anytime depending on the COVID status of our school and /or community.
That is well written, but will still be met with it's fair share or critics. But what about the Gov. Pritzker threat? Any school not following it could lose state funding, insurance, blah, blah, blah...I guess we will see if the Governor sticks to this.
Good for you Durand, let's hope all of your students remain healthy and safe.
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