Fee Increase and Changes to Online Tuition Coming Soon to RVC
Rock Valley knows the future of college education lies online. People want to further their education, but more often than not, life gets in the way of doing it in a traditional classroom atmosphere. People want to take their classes on their own time from the comfort of their jammies and couches, and soon Rock Valley College will make their online classes much more accommodating to out-of-state students. Oh, and they're also increasing tuition fees per credit hour soon...that's the bummer part.
According to WREX;
The school's board of trustees approved an increase of $2 per credit hour for activity fees Tuesday. That money funds student clubs and athletics.
Trustees also approved to charge in-district tuition rates for all online classes. Therefore, students from across the country can take RVC online classes and pay the same rates as students in the area.
The tuition increase and changes to their online class fees will begin in July of 2021, so if you've been considering beginning classes at Rock Valley College, you might want to start now. Get more info at rockvalleycollege.edu.
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