Former Rockford Meteorologist Calls For 162 Degree Day in Kankakee, IL
It's not the heat, it's the humidity Morgan.
The past week of so we have seen some decent temps, and yes a good amount of humidity. For late June in the Midwest, I guess it's been normal-ish, right? We can't really complain too much I guess. We've had hot days, rainy days, some dropping fall like temps, it's been pretty Midwest.
Let's pay a visit to former 13 WREX Meteorologist Morgan Kolkmeyer, who took her talents to Chicago and works for WGN. Recently she shared the bad news with Kanakee, Illinois that they were going to be living in an inferno for a day or so...No need for sun tan lotion with this forecast Kankakee, you are going to burn and burn bad. I guess it's only for a day, so it can't be all that bad...right?
Get to your basements immediately, Kankakee...stop, drop, and roll? No real preparing for this one, it's gonna be a warm one. Thar COMED bill for the a/c being cranked should be a steep one, hopefully things in Kankakee mellow out after a day of 162 degrees. Be sure to hydrate.
Leave it to Facebook to make this more entertaining. A predicted 162 degree day in Kankakee, IL.:
"I live there, we are fine."
"It's not the heat it's the humidity."
"Kankakee is LIT"
"I'm glad I just drove by"
...and my favorite.
"Hey are you pregnant again?"
Nice catch dude...
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