If you have never seen "The Sandlot" make plans this weekend to see it for FREE Friday night at Davis Park!

What is "The Sandlot" all about? According to Ed Sutton at IMDB:

Scotty Smalls moves to a new neighborhood with his mom and stepdad, and wants to learn to play baseball. The neighborhood baseball guru Rodriquez takes Smalls under his wing, and soon he's part of the local baseball buddies. They fall into adventures involving baseball, treehouse sleep-ins, the desirous lifeguard at the local pool, the snooty rival ball team, and the travelling fair. Beyond the fence at the back of the sandlot menaces a legendary ball-eating dog called The Beast, and the kids inevitably must deal with him."


Friday Night Flix is free for the entire family. The first 1,000 people in who arrive at Davis Park will receive free popcorn.

So bring a lawn chair or a blanket and chill by the Rock River and watch a classic baseball flick this Friday night!

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