Spring is here and for most of us, so are the ants. How do you get rid of these super unpleasant party crashers?

According to Ants In My House (yes, it's a real website)

  • Kill the ant and remove the carcass.
  • Clean the area around the ant with a strong soap or window cleaner to remove the scent.
  • Try to determine what the ant was after.
  • Remove the attractant and clean the area.
  • Look for others (there’s never just one).
  • See if you can determine the path the ants are using.
  • Clean the ant path with strong soap or window cleaner.
  • Find the entry point (where they entered the house).
  • Fill any cracks or patch any holes and then apply bait or ant powder near the entry point.
  • For best results use an ant powder or bait on the outside of the entry, that way the ants won’t need to enter the house to get the bait (Hardware stores sell ant killer/bait powders. Do it yourself'ers use boric Acid (Borax) and sugar in small amounts. Here’s a recipe
  • Ants will continue to show up for some time. Keep cleaning the area around any dead ants, clean the trails and the entry points.
  • Most ‘ant killer’ is made up of an attractant and an ant poison. Ideally the ant is attracted to the poison and carries it back to the nest where many ants will be killed.

I sprayed and cleaned with soap and water after the bug spray dried out. It seems to have worked, but who knows? I have a feeling those ants, have aunts and cousins that are looking for a nice play to stay.

No matter what you do after ants visit, this is how you feel the rest of the day.

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