Gov Pritzker Says Masks Are MANDATORY ‘INSIDE’ Illinois Schools This Year
As kids prepare to return to school soon, make sure they have their masks. Illinois Governor JB Pritzker says they are MANDATORY for the 2021 school year.
I wish we could avoid having COVID interfere with our summer. But the virus and its effects are increasing once again, and the largest group affected who are being hit especially hard are the unvaccinated. - Gov JB Pritzker
So here is the deal with schools.
All public and private schools, grades K-12 and day care facilities will be REQUIRED to wear a mask. Different approaches have been taken by different school districts across the state, so the governor found it needed to simply apply this rule to all schools across the state of Illinois.
Governor Pritzker stated that this was for indoors. He furthered to mention that outside of school, including outdoor sports, would not be required to wear masks.
The Delta variant is the main reason for this mandatory rule being put into place for schools across the state of Illinois.
The mandatory Illinois rule is regardless of your vaccination status. So if you have an older teenager that has received a shot or shot, they are still required to mask up. Eventually there will be vaccinations available for the younger kids, but nothing is available right now.
This new school mask requirement issued by Gov Pritzker is in line with CDC recommendations that students inside school buildings, should wear a mask. So from the CDC, to the Governor of Illinois, to you.