3 Things People of Illinois Can Learn from Happiest Country in the World
The World Happiness Report ranks countries on happiness and overall well-being. America is far from the top of the list, maybe this could elevate our 'happiness' game.
The World Happiness Report
This report, in existence for about a decade, ranks how we feel about life in our country. The rankings really are based on how we feel about our lives. What is our overall feeling about the quality of our lives? There are many factors that go into turning our feelings into all these numbers and rankings.

The World Happiness Report gets most of its data from the Gallup World Poll, among a few other surveys and questionnaires. The questions asked in the Gallup poll are separated into 14 categories, and they are:
- Business & economic
- Citizen engagement
- Communications & technology
- Diversity (social issues)
- Education & families
- Emotions (well-being)
- Environment & energy
- Food & shelter
- Government and politics
- Law & order (safety)
- Health
- Religion & ethics
- Transportation
- Work
People in 156 countries were asked to “value their lives today on a 0 to 10 scale, with the worst possible life as a 0. That's one of many questions the report includes, according to a recent story from cnbc.com.
For the 2022 World Happiness Report, much of the Gallup poll answers played a role in the United States being ranked as the 16th happiest country in the world. The people of fifteen other countries say they are happier than we are in the U.S.
Doesn't it make you wonder a little just what makes the people in these other countries happier? There are happiness factors in each of our countries that we have little or no control over, but...
What happiness factors do we have control over?
The Happiest Countries in the World
#15 - Canada
#14 - Germany
#13 - Ireland
#12 - Australia
#11 - Austria
#10 - New Zealand
#9 - Israel
#8 - Norway
#7 - Sweden
#6 - Luxembourg
#5 - Netherlands
#4 - Switzerland
#3 - Iceland
#2 - Denmark
The happiest country in the world is:
Do you wonder what happiness factors the people of Finland find important that they have control over? What makes them so much happier has everything to do with themselves and not their circumstances.
Frank Martella, a psychology expert in Finland, believes Finland is the happiest country in the world because of the 3 things he says the people of Finland never do:
We don’t compare ourselves to our neighbors.
We don’t overlook the benefits of nature.
We don’t break the community circle of trust.
Not one of those things is affected by our current situation or circumstances. Our level of happiness is not someone else's responsibility or fault.
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