I Always Wanted A Food Tattoo Until I Saw This Banana On A Woman’s Thigh [PHOTOS]
Because there are places you probably shouldn't put a banana tattoo, and your thigh is one of them.
I've wanted a tattoo for years, but I don't have one yet. Chances are I won't get one, one of those reasons is that two people I work with keep telling me that I'm "too old" to get my first tattoo, but the other reason is that I don't know where I would put a tattoo of an "edgy" cupcake.
Because that's what I want... an edgy cupcake, cuz I'm an edgy cupcake, duh. That's whole nother story though. This story is about other people with food tattoos that make me realize it's not the best idea.
Like this woman. Why is there a banana on her thigh?
Or this fork full of pasta on her "Italian Grandma Flab" section of her arm...
Armpit sushi anyone?
This one isn't too bad, but it still makes me realize a cupcake has no place on my body. Unless it's an actual cupcake I'm going to eat.