We took to Facebook one of the toughest questions we've ever asked: Should you eat mac & cheese with a fork... or a spoon?

Simple question, complex answer.  I know you're sitting there looking at a fork and spoon right now asking yourself the exact same question.  Maybe it all depends on your mood; want to scoop your food today or do a little stabby stab to release some anger?


If you ask me, I would've instantly said fork because you can pick up individual pieces of macaroni with the tines on a fork and make the food last much longer.

What are tines you ask?  Tines are the sharp points at the end of the fork.  This was actually a new word for me, so I figured you didn't know what it was either haha.


After I let Facebook users take the stand and plead their case on why you should use a fork or a spoon when indulging in mac n cheese, some users made really good points that might just change your mind!

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Now, not everybody went one way or the other.  Some people made comments that make sense without it completely... making sense.


I totally agree with this comment.

Carolyn said if she could use a shovel she would.  Absolutely!  I could eat mac n cheese all freakin' day, why not use a shovel to devour larger portions at a time?


Scott kept it simple: Whatever you can find first.

I'm always looking for a utensil for any meal I make at home, embarrassing to say the least.  Sometimes I'm too lazy to clean the dishes so I really dig around to see if there's ANYTHING I can use... even if that means a chopstick is the only option.


Now, maybe we just toss out utensils and chug the mac n cheese?  According to this Facebook user's logic, it's possible and completely do-able.

BOTTOMS UP!  Just swirl it around a little bit, make it more liquid-y, and drink up!


Okay, enough of the nonsense.  Let's get down to the real reason we're here: FORK OR SPOON?  After a long debate, it came down to the final winner.



More than 70% of users agreed that using a fork is their preferred way of eating that cheesy, mushy goodness!  According to FoodNetwork, this was pretty much the same outcome.  The only difference?  There was 1% leftover.  I can only assume it was people who use a spork to eat everything to save utensil space.


I might just be part of the 1%... what about you?

LOOK: Here are the 25 best places to live in Illinois

Stacker compiled a list of the best places to live in Illinois using data from Niche. Niche ranks places to live based on a variety of factors including cost of living, schools, health care, recreation, and weather. Cities, suburbs, and towns were included. Listings and images are from realtor.com.

On the list, there's a robust mix of offerings from great schools and nightlife to high walkability and public parks. Some areas have enjoyed rapid growth thanks to new businesses moving to the area, while others offer glimpses into area history with well-preserved architecture and museums. Keep reading to see if your hometown made the list.

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