Watch Out – Credit Card Skimmer Found at Missouri Gas Station
I tend to be very paranoid whenever I'm swiping my bank credit card. This new report of a card skimmer found by police at a Missouri gas station is the reason why.

There's no faster way for a thief to get ahold of your financial life than getting your bank card and PIN information. That just happened according to police in Liberal, Missouri who shared this status on Facebook with pictures of a skimmer that was found.
I think they found the skimmer inside the gas station in Liberal, Missouri despite what the Facebook post said. Think of how difficult it should be for a criminal to install a skimmer INSIDE a store. I'm gonna guess that the perpetrator may have claimed he was from the ATM company telling the clerk he/she/it was there to work on it? It's not an uncommon ruse for thieves to act like they're technicians when they're installing these nefarious devices.
The Liberal, Missouri police followed up with some great tips on what to look for when you're swiping your card at a gas station.
I always cover my hand when I'm entering a PIN number in case someone has installed a camera nearby. I also look for any irregularities in the card reader itself. If the card place looks a lot newer than the surrounding chassis, I go inside and talk to a clerk.
Better safe than sorry.
Tips to Avoid Being Victimized By Scams
Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio