Why Does It Feel Illegal To Throw This Away In Illinois?
I don't know why it feels so wrong to put furniture out on the curb for trash day, but I always think I'm going to get fined in Illinois.
I've been cleansing my apartment of all the furniture I don't want anymore and that means getting it out to the curb before the garbage truck makes a stop at my house.
Related: One Thing You Shouldn’t Leave Visible On Trash Day In Illinois
When I lived with my parents, they always made it seems like I'd get arrested if I put big household items out to the curb a day early.

I've been doing it at my apartment and I noticed... I haven't gotten taken to jail haha.
I do feel bad for the garbagemen who have to haul my giant couches into their truck, but I literally have no idea how to dispose of my furniture that's not worth selling!
Read More: Don't Throw These In The Trash Because It's Illegal In Illinois
This is what I found out when I was Googling garbage rules in Rockford:
"Garbage shall be placed out for collection no earlier than 3:00 p.m. of the day preceding the collection day and not later than 6:00 a.m. of the scheduled collection day Empty garbage cans must be returned to an inconspicuous storage location by 8 a.m. the day following garbage collection." [Rockfordil.gov]
Then, if you have bulk items that don't fit in garbage cans or bags, "Bulk items are collected the same day as your regularly scheduled garbage collection."
This makes me feel a lot better knowing I'm following the guidelines.
Also, if you just bought expensive items and they came in giant boxes, make sure to cut those up for trash day so thieves aren't compelled to break into your house and steal it. Tip of the day!
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