Legendary Rockford Pothole So Big It Popped A Dude’s Side Mirror Off
You know you just hit a massive pothole when parts of your car start flying off.
The chatter surrounding potholes in Rockford is kind of legendary and while the city usually responds quickly to filling them this is a different story.
I believe this monster pothole isn't something a city official should be addressing, because it's on private property.
xberry on Reddit talking about the parking lot at the old Circuit City on East State Street hilariously said:
The pot holes are now of legendary size in this defunct strip mall...the entrance to Tom and Jerry's should come with an insurance clause on your car.
If you've ever been over there either going into Uncle Nick's or Tom & Jerry's you know full well what that Reddit user is talking about.
Some of those things are absolutely monstrous crater-sized holes in the ground.
At the same time, I kind of understand why the owners of the property haven't taken care of those gaping holes in the Earth yet. It's probably because they don't have any tenants at Circuit City. Get something in there, and I'm guessing it will get filled.
Then again, have you ever seen that crater in the Target parking lot? My car fell in once, and I never got it back.
I'm just kidding, but wisebloodfoolheart on Reddit was deadly serious when talking about the Circuit City parking lot, "For real, I drove through a giant pothole outside Tom and Jerry's and my side mirror popped out. Had to pull over and retrieve it."
Now while I'm sure they didn't think it was funny when it happened, holy smokes is that hilarious. What kind of pothole is so brutal car parts are falling off?
Is this the worst pothole in Rockford? Tell us!