Local Woman Looking For Man Who Helped Her Father in a Car Accident This Weekend
On Saturday January 12 Trish Muraira's father was involved in an accident on the road. Trish has reached out in hopes to find a man who helped in the accident and be able to properly thank him. Trish shared with us -
On Sat . , Jan 12 , my dad lost control of his car due to the snowy weather . He is fine , thank God . He was on the side of the road for over an hour . Cars were passing him by . But one Good Samaritan stopped and offered assistance . She called police for my dad , who called paramedics . My dad is 89 yrs old . He had no cell phone . We would love to thank this kind person who helped our dad . Could you spread the word in hopes someone might know who this was . This happened around 10 AM Saturday morning in the 2800 area of Springcreek .
Here is her Facebook post -
If you are this person of know this person please reach out to Trish so she can get in touch!