Louie’s Tap House is Holding a Mom’s Back to School Party and Even Non-Moms are Invited
If you had to take a wild guess, how long do you think it took for you to wish you could send your precious, sweet, and kind little cherub back to school?
For most parents, it's 13 days; that's it, 13 days. So, for the last 60 days or more, all you've been doing is fantasizing about plan-free days where you didn't have to find extra childcare, spend more on snacks and day trips, or feel guilty because you didn't take them on some elaborate vacation.
Summers are tough on parents; but guess what- you survived; and to reward you for all your efforts, Louie's Tap House is throwing you a "Moms Back to School Party" on Wednesday, August 15th.
According to the Facebook invite, the fun begins at 8 am and parents, yes, dad can come too, can enjoy a "tasty breakfast, Bloody Mary’s and whatever other trouble all you moms and dads deserve."
With that said, you might want to take the entire day off so you can have some time to you know, process all of the emotions that come with your kid going back to school.
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