Sure, the bride is your friend, possibly your best friend, but the week of her wedding you need to take a step back.

Are you freaking out about your recent haircut? Do you need a different bra for your bridesmaid dress and just can't find one? Are you nervous because you're gonna run into a guy at the wedding and you don't know how you feel about him yet?

Those are all terrible feelings and definitely worrisome. You can worry about them all you want and you can complain to your friends, but NOT the bride, ok?

The bride loves you, she really does. Duh, you're her bridesmaid, but unless you're in a burning building and the only person who can save you on the entire planet is the bride, leave her alone. Actually don't leave her alone, help her out and make time to listen to her complaints, but don't share your problems with her.


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