Remember when dumb fights would break out in the hallways in school?  This punch that happened in Illinois isn't anything like those.

I remember in high school when one of my friends walked up to another kid and just started wailing on him.  Out of nowhere!  I always thought it was terrifying to see fights break out because I never understood the point of it.  It never solved anything...

Apparently this middle school wrestler in Oak Park, Illinois thought a nice sucker punch to his opponent's face would be a great idea after losing.

Illinois Middle School Wrestler Sucker Punched By Opponent Who Lost

Hafid Alicea (Maine West High School), 14, was given a citation for assault after he told Oak Park PD he punched his opponent, Cooper Corder (SPAR Academy), because "he was angry that he had lost the match," according to TMZ.

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Twitter - @MrPatMineo

It's crazy what anger can make you do sometimes.  That's not great sportsmanship and  I couldn't imagine being on either end of that punch.

In the video, you can see the wrestlers about to shake hands after their match, but Alicea had a different idea on a handshake.

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Twitter - @MrPatMineo


How about a suck punch straight to the face?

Not only me, but everyone in the video was shocked after Corder took the hit and falls to the ground.

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You can literally hear a woman scream, "What the f*ck?!" and rush over with a man to check on Corder.  Kudos to them for jumping right in!

Twitter - @MrPatMineo
Twitter - @MrPatMineo

Read More: Illinois School Principal Arrested For DUI 

After getting medical attention, Corder suffered a nose injury and wears a full mask during each match now.  Crazy... glad he's recovering!

If you want to see the video, take a look below.

If you don't think you can handle watching it, then please don't!

42 Terrifying Photos Inside the Former Rock River Elementary School in Rockford, Illinois


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