And he was a week early!


I thought I was a big baby. I was 8 lbs 13 1/2 oz and my poor little mom who is less than 5 ft tall looked just as wide as she is tall.

But I wasn't 13 lbs!

Michelle Hall gave birth to her baby Isaac on Mother's Day, via C-section, and he is twice the size of a normal newborn, in fact he's already wearing six month old clothes.

On the plus side, he's probably already a little more stable than most new babies, but my goodness, that is one big baby -- and he was a week early.

Imagine if he would've stayed all warm and cozy in there for a week longer, he might've been 15 or 20 lbs!

The hospital says he is the biggest baby born there in the last thirty years. She will never forget this Mother's Day!

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