It's about that time, when we'll start seeing make-shift roadside stands set up, ready to sell morel mushrooms.  They're like lemonade stands but for middle-aged men.  They'll just pop the tailgate down, pull out a cooler of freshly plucked mushrooms and rake in the cash!

Why do people around here get so excited about morels?

Well, partly because it gives hunters a reason to be outside (ie: away from the family) when it's not hunting season.  But also, because they're so hard to find. The conditions have to be right.  The soil has to be moist...but not too moist.  The temperature has to be just right.
credit: Kaitlin Robertson
credit: Kaitlin Robertson

Where Do You Find Morels?

Go anywhere where there are trees and shaded conditions. Many morel hunters have their go-to areas. Spots around dead elms trees or even ash and poplar trees have been known to accelerate the growth of these fantastic fungi. But sometimes there's no real rhyme or reason.  My dad would pick morels next to the shed in the middle of town.
Only Mother Nature can tell you the best places to find morels...because the people who know sure aren't willing to share their secret location.  However, you can see from this map below that people have already been finding them.

How Do People Eat Them?

Most people dredge them in butter and flour or crackers and fry them. Then again, if you dredge anything in butter and fry it, it's going to taste good. via Teresas Tastey Bites via Teresas Tastey Bites

Inappropriate And Funny Bumper Stickers in the Quad Cities

Yes, these car stickers have actually been spotted in the Quad Cities.

Check Out This Moline House With A Jacuzzi and Heated Pool

Located at 3715 77th Street Ct, Moline, IL 61265

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